There two methods for distance education, both better a hundred times from the way affiliation traditional imposed be abolished completely from Universities UK and replaces distance education has provided the list in accordance with Article XXI to adjust all conditions Affiliate Program consistent with the provisions of the regulation distance education in a maximum five years from the date of issue, the first method synchronous method, a method of teaching that is synchronous connection at the same time between the teacher and the learner through the Internet or an electronic network through virtual classrooms, a very advanced technique in higher education. The first university that have already applied this type of education is King Abdulaziz University, where she gives a bachelor's degree entirely by distance education and Christtfy soon graduation of the first batch in the Kingdom for this type of education grants bachelor's degree in each of the disciplines of English and Arabic language and psychology and public administration, business administration, and in the near witness Square Saudi universities great competition in the field of distance education in many disciplines, especially if we know that tuition fees four thousand riyals per semester, and the system provides an opportunity to convert to a system study normal The opportunity to be available to those who strive especially as it the neighborhood and continue directly with professors material through virtual classrooms.

The second method for distance education is method interactive which is a method of education that is the involvement of the student in the learning process by providing interaction with the content or with a professor or with the students so that by employing software applications suitable for the management of the educational process, allowing communication and performance-related activities Article which is known manner mail, it was stipulated regulation that all academic departments can benefit from this type of distance education to no more than 25% of the credit hours of learning normal this kind of education and student is granted a document Bachelor Education Standard has begun King Abdul Aziz University to apply that in some sections of the colleges literary and scientific for some materials and will compete universities to be material educational sites sections and ranging in applying the idea of this type of distance education, but as I mentioned regulation should تنضبط things which controls required in terms of quality and follow-up and monitoring .
One of the paragraphs of the list pointed to the possibility of applying the idea of distance education master's degree but unfortunately there is no not one university initiated the preparation of programs for the Master through distance education, but given some of the colleges in the universities an opportunity for some sections to provide programs Master professional, administrative and educational paid at high cost and extravagant untapped need for people to and it needs to further raise the level of quality which, knowing that the competition in distance education for a master's degree in accordance with reasonable prices will kill arbitrariness of such programs as it will provide a scientific way of high quality through virtual classrooms in the style of education Synchronous or through interactive e-learning.