Therefore spread distance education in countries such as Canada, Australian, China, Pakistan, and the Soviet Union (previously), and the evolution to learn open in industrialized countries such as the United Kingdom (Open University), and German, and the United States, Canada, and Italian, and the Soviet Union (formerly) .
According deprived culturally like women, and cultural minorities, of open learning in educational programs radio and television or other technologies, also benefited from the disabled physically, visually, acoustically, it is designed for them appropriate programs for their disabilities, to enable them to acquire knowledge and skills would misfits.
Commonly simplify science, and facilitate information in distance education and open learning traditional using technologies, multiple printed books, brochures programmed specifically for self-education, and audio material such as radio and recorded, and audio visual, as in television programs and video technologies multiple self-learning bags and packages educational.
It seems that «the British Open University, was one of the most important universities prepared such programs, and developed experimental methods and field enabled the publication and circulation in the English-speaking universities in Canada and the United States and other open universities and traditional.
As a result of dispersion Arabs of Palestine, and put a feasibility study for a Palestinian university open in Beirut, مالبثت that destroyed by Israel in the design stage during the invasion of Beirut in 1982, and took over the documents, moved to Amman and then to Jerusalem under the name «Quds Open University», which evolved in its , and programs, and introduced software technologies, and is still working in conditions of occupation and displacement in the Jerusalem area.
In the information age, especially in the late eighties of the twentieth century, electronics started to enter people's lives, and contribute to the digital computer to transfer all information signs and symbols to binary (1 and 0) and vice versa, which is pleased to make the computer machine integrated teaching and learning. And computer interaction with modern communication systems, it became possible to overcome all obstacles temporal and spatial, physical, and distance learning, in homes and offices. Fezhrt global information network called the Internet, and its distinctive multi-technology called «global network and extensive» WWW (World Wide Web) and these networks has become an active role in the education and distance learning, at a cost less than traditional education or correspondence school.
And that afternoon, the virtual learning (Alkhaúla) virtual learning which are computer networks, simulators universities and educational institutions, administrative and financial education interested in this Universities Alkhaúlah, that no reality, but computer programs retina. This type of education Alkhaúla that focuses on quality in education, any proficiency in achieving the goals of learning, and if belonged to this teaching a large number of learners become cheaper on the learner, because it does not need to accommodation expenses and travel in traditional education, not to buildings and facilities common in formal education or in traditional universities.
Therefore expect many thinkers that the cost of traditional universities make them economically feasible, and must that adapt themselves and programs to take advantage of distance education, especially of virtual universities (Alkhaúlah), and premiums suitable for most needy to continue to self-learning to gain information and new skills, which become magnified and multiplied quantified almost every year. Therefore continuing education has become necessary for adults has also become a facilitator in distance education for all people in all ages.
Since the software and networking into account the needs of each learner, and speed in learning, and move step by step in the acquisition of information and skills, taking advantage of the activity of the learner, and feedback and reinforcement, which receives from tutorial software and networking, so is learning by Atghania, and The high quality. And increased competition between individuals and communities makes it necessary to take advantage of «information highway at the speed of learning, and his mastery and quality.
Therefore prepared educational programs in computer disks to teach human rights in all stages of growth, and in all levels of education kindergarten and primary and secondary and tertiary education, and adult learning in all levels, from literacy to master complex skills such as flying, and directing complex machines, and run furnaces Atomic and military training simulation programs mimic reality in most of its components, and in this type of training to master the skill and lack of cost and safety training, and actually applied in modern warfare in the late nineties.
And still distance education, especially the Internet and the Web in the experimental phases in the Arab countries, and in particular in Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates, and Syria. And improved use it, the better the information and communication technologies and provided continuous interaction between the learner and the tutorial. The benefit rights of Internet sites is educational in learning programs such as «chat» that enables mastery of foreign languages, and the exchange of scientific information and medical and engineering among specialists, and professionals converged who use personal e-mail, in addition to the sites interactive other educational facilities in the Internet, which has become comprehensive global knowledge encyclopedia.
But distance learning Internet is still in front of him numerous obstacles represented by the veracity of the information and documentation, and persistence, they rapidly changing, has Adlj where one in sites limited to advertising or temptation physical, sexual, and offend the confidentiality of personal issues to humans or to technologies other than the culture of software producers, globalized or global.
However, distance learning technologies, remain effective and cheap, and may be used for the good and progress of human, may also be used for malicious purposes, which is ethical and philosophical issues, has placed its future controls for the good of human happiness in the information age.
But today it is still in constant evolution is useful in the transition towards mastery learning and education at a cost of a few, and to the appropriate time, and increases the learning opportunities for all, and bring democracy to all beneficiaries who have the potential availability of distance learning computer networks.