In fact, e-learning does not need to something as much as he needs to skilled teacher masterly techniques and strategies for e-learning, skilled team of scientific article, wishing to acquire all the talk in the field of specialization, insured his letter first and then the importance of continuous learning.

E-learning needs to be a teacher who is aware that every day is not getting the experience and knowledge and information, it is delayed for years and years, so it is very important teacher preparation so well up to this level required by e-learning, and this can not be achieved in a matter of days or a few months, but need to be hard work and sustained effort and permanent awareness.
It would also not as understood by some of the several courses in the Computer on some applications could emerge us milestone electronically, there are many teachers who are proficient in the use of computers to a degree of professionalism, but they are not able to employ this knowledge in the educational process and practices quarterly, due to the absence of e-learning philosophy and strategies.
The teacher to become a teacher electronically need to reformulate intellectual first convinced through that traditional teaching methods must be changed to be proportional to the quantum of knowledge enormous infested by all walks of life, must be convinced that he would not make a lonely future men who rely on them community and the nation In making the glories and achieve leadership.
If he must learn modern methods of teaching and effective strategies and deepen the understanding of the philosophy and mastery of their application, so that he can transfer this thought to his students Fimarssouna of the e-learning tools.
The sensitive management is open and faithful teacher of his message are the ones who are aware of these meanings, and they shall know that e-learning is not just hardware and software and hardware impressive for visitors, but is primarily a teacher has all the specifications mentioned above.