Push the wheel of development and technological progress need teachers library and information science to reveal new ways of teaching through the use of tools and media technology and through participation in the resources and the exchange of information, technology has evolved telecommunications great development and produced several alternatives for transportation and electronic communication, such as, for example video, and audio-visual media, facsimile, e-mail, the Internet and satellite.

Has not gone unnoticed for Egypt to participate in this technological development as it was launched the Egyptian satellite "Nilesat" on April 28, 1998, ushers Egypt space age, space communications and benefit from the experiences of countries that preceded it in this area
It was fortunate that allocates some channels broadcast by the Egyptian satellite for education, it may be useful to have to teach library and information science share in this channel educational and hope of this subject to be a modest contribution in this area to reveal a theoretical framework for distance education in library and information, and put current definitions and terminology in this context, and review the intellectual output of the previous issue, and subjected to some tests carried out in the libraries for education programs in developing countries and developed countries.
And can be compared to the provision of electronic links necessary for any number of applications in the field of education library and information science, and future depends librarians to a large extent on their hearts with multiple patterns of information resources available in electronic format and use of these resources in a way that was returning from cost-effectiveness and supports the use of technology Over the provision of funds that are spent, to get better for the listener it seeks, and provide a better education than provided by traditional education within the walls of the university, in addition to overcoming the problems and traditional barriers to learning, such as, for example impediments of geography, and functional, family, environmental, and economic, In addition to that distance education may solve the problem of shortage in the number of graduates from the departments of academic libraries, and meet the needs of the labor market and the movement of the comprehensive development witnessed by Egypt in various fields, and meet the desire of individuals who are liable to impair access to academic programs to teach university libraries.
We are on the outskirts of the twenty-first century, efforts should focus current planning on choosing the appropriate communication environment that can lead academic library or your institution or a public profession to the next century and the necessary equipment and gear to experience this century.
A review of the intellectual production note lack of clarity in the definition of distance education and the use of the term in mixing it with distance education.
Where supplied Sylvia Phippsov (2) Faibisoff and Deborah Wells Willis (1987) Some definitions of the terms used for distance education as follows: -
Explains Stanford (1980) Stanford that distance education is to teach independent senior correspondence •
See Segeral (1984) Zigerell that distance education is a form of education that is characterized by the separation naturally between the teacher and the student, with the exception of some meetings held by the teacher with the student face to face to discuss some of the research projects • explains Segeral, that distance education is different from education by correspondence from where it requires some opportunities for students to interact with the teacher • gives a clear distinction between distance education and distance learning, the former means of preparing or the educational process itself and the other focuses on the receiving end of distance education.
The Edmar (1983) Wedemeyer definition best step forward by focusing on the learner who gets him the opportunity on the basis of their needs and interests and aspirations.
Characterized distance education also close to the teacher, has been known in law in France, for example, that the position requires the presence of the teacher education personally from time to time.
Known as distance education that the transfer of an educational program from its position on the campus of the University to geographically dispersed locations • The aim of this education to attract students can not under normal circumstances continue in a traditional educational program.
It is clear from the above definitions that there are a variety of definitions for distance education and all these definitions share some common characteristics, and may be the best way to define this phrase is by clarifying their properties as shown in the following dimensions: -
(A) supply to interact from time to time with faculty members.
(B) providing the student's independent study and individual.
(C) receipt of knowledge through decisions within and outside the campus.
(D) based on the actual needs of the student.
While the above definitions focus on the characteristics and attributes of distance education in terms of preparation or processing, others view him as a system • This is illustrated in the following manner: -
1 was the main theme at the Tenth Congress of the International Council for Distance Education as a system, have conference included an analysis of the components and subsystems administrative and educational, with particular reference to the ambitions, and significance, and the properties and interrelationships and effectiveness of distance education in terms of information and guidance and student activities and mutual contacts, marketing and management •
2 see (1975) Ljosa that distance education as a system should be seen through its subsystems as models for education, and services, and student activities, and the inclusion of course materials, and student follow-up, and tests, and substantive areas, and mutual communication •
Regardless of the acceptance of distance education as a treatment or as a system or even as a conduit for the recipient, should the concept remains connected to the concept of lifelong learning •
Has adopted the concepts that this kind there beyond the walls of traditional education institutions, that kind of technical and vocational training available to every individual, regardless of gender, age, educational background or qualifications •
3 was Edgar Four (1972) Faure the initiative of the concept of lifelong learning to meet the needs of each person in order to cope with the contemporary society in addition to the contribution of learners in the guidance and direction and according to their educational needs, and encourage learning from a variety of sources, whether regular or irregular, traditional or non- traditional.
And adopted prepare employees to work in the libraries in his early years before the stage of formal education on the apprenticeship system, a system that was in major bookstores and determines the decisions of the imposed working conditions to fit, especially with the workers in the school libraries •
Has opened Dewey first regular school for the education of libraries at Columbia University in New York in 1887, and the early years of the efforts of Dewey and even today wants a lot of workers in libraries to find some formulas education that fit their circumstances and needs outside the formal education traditional • were represented these formulas as presented by Daniel • d • Baron in the following key patterns: -
1 study by correspondence. Correspondence Study
2 efforts (educational) extended Extension Effors •
3 Use all means of communication after receiving Telecommunications Delivery •
First: the study by correspondence
Baron acknowledges that the study by correspondence (6), the first types of distance education that have been used in the education of library and information science • The study consisted efforts correspondence in the following efforts: -
1 Mfil Club Dewey (1888) developed the decisions to study by correspondence in the city of Albany (Albany) to serve the small libraries and specialized libraries •
2 committee recommended training libraries derived from the American Library Association ALA Libraries (large) and leading schools to provide work by correspondence in 1903 and made some comments on the program of the University of International Correspondence in 1907 •
3 recommended Charles Williamson (7) Williamson in the report of the Carnegie (1923) should give schools libraries adopt the way of education by correspondence, not as a substitute for any other way, but to be a supplement and complement to other methods used • As recommended by Williamson in his allocation of grants funded by the Carnegie to develop The study by correspondence schools in New York City with providing the best educational possibilities available to these schools •
The cited Williamson in his report that the study by correspondence in library science were already and 24 lessons in technical methods in libraries have been taught by correspondence at the University of Chicago, and scheduled indexing was taught this way in the State Library of California, and the Department of expansion educational University Wisconsin made a decision this way in 1920 to over 250 students •
4 has been establishing a school libraries American education by correspondence in 1923 under the management and direction of e • b • Gaylord Gaylord Bserakyuz quoted this school in 1928 Bmstmladtha all to Columbia University in New York under the leadership of Williamson himself, who became director of the School of Library and director of libraries at Columbia University at the same time • The a mass program for librarians practitioners • The program has flourished until 1936 when Columbia University canceled all correspondence studies, though no longer distance education resonates positively with the library science professors •
5 No use of these programs in 1951, to meet the requirements of approved programs for master's degree from American Library Association • The committee is currently teaching libraries Society to provide a list of decisions available mediated messaging, including, for example decisions in the basics of indexing and children's literature as well as other decisions to specialists educational media in School Library •
Second: efforts (educational) extended
While education by correspondence previously priority, but he was not the only one of the early efforts in the United States to provide alternative opportunities for education and training in library and information science • Find professors library and information science opportunities for workers who are unable to enroll in programs fixed in tables traditional by giving them educational opportunities outside traditional boundaries campus • This opportunity has been designated educational efforts extended •
Reese cited (8) Reece when he talked about the early efforts in this context include the following:
Organized school libraries for the New York State chapter in the summer of 1896, and was chapter for 6 weeks is taken from some of the topics offered by the school in order to serve a specific purpose and distinct •
Have been used in other forms as well as the summer semester, for example, decisions of intensive, and institutes funded by the state, and chapters weekend, and evening classes, as well as other styles varied timeframes then used to align with employees who work seven days a week and receive their education in other schools, or living away from education programs library and information science traditional where the regularity is not possible, in addition to the acceptance of teachers library and information science for part-time students who are attracted by the profession •
It noteworthy that most of the education programs of library and information in the United States has sought to attract learner unconventional been much effort to adapt and strengthen this type of education • This was the first brick laid foundations in the legitimacy of distance education •
While there is little intellectual production which relates to reality historic decisions education extends beyond the walls of the campus, they did not listen gurus libraries and information to the stories that received for the advances of pioneers like public librarians first who were packing boxes of books behind their cars and leave with information and education beyond the boundaries library buildings in which they work and outside the campus walls to which they belong •
He explained Louis Shores (9) Shores, for example, that in 1947, the members of the faculty on their shoulders education libraries to centers 37 County, Florida, geographically about 850 miles to the southeast • He joined these chapters more than 5000 students, Most of the teachers who have the desire to teach a library for their students and colleagues •
But many of these outstanding students have been referred to the retirement of librarianship, and each completed requirements approved for a master's degree through an educational program extended the establishment of a local summer • Perhaps the records, according to Barron's, which concerns the efforts made for distance education buried in (corridors) archives in many academic programs for libraries, and did not yet exist, a researcher who is trying to pay it from the archives of these programs and put it in the context of historical research or supplied in a report on the profession •
Even today, still holds gurus library and information science in the United States with them in their cars books and other educational materials, and knocking also means of transportation other trains, planes and boats to provide educational opportunities extended to the learner • Remote indicated by the reported better statistical records that expressed these activities were received to self-Ellis (10), ALISE statistical libraries as follows:
Reviewing the data in the report on the Department of Curriculum for the past ten years 1980 1990, report shows that 3045 decision was introduced in this period away from the campus president of Schools Libraries and Information Science • The number of these courses between 223 scheduled was introduced in 1980 to 408 decision was introduced in 1990 •
The number of schools that provided off-campus decisions in this period 37 schools with an average of between 31 to 40 schools • These schools provided decisions ranging from a single decision to one school and more than 40 scheduled in one year •
The test types decisions cited by the report Aliz Statistical seems to be a lot of courses carried out away from the campus in Education program library and information science as part of a planned program or as part of the degree requirements or as a certificate within a particular state or region of the state are serviced brokered this program • No not possible to determine the extension of degree programs that are provided through distance education • exposed a little intellectual production to describe these introductions and the extent of its effectiveness and its impact on the profession or the system as a whole •
There are reports of distance education programs for libraries and information science and implemented mediated by a specific set of courses in other states • participate in these programs students through professors to travel home in the States in which they live •
It included this type of education, for example, the efforts of all of the University of Louisiana with librarians in Virginia, and the University of North Carolina for librarians in Eastern Virginia, and the efforts of State College Clarion enrollment program leading to a degree, Maine Maine in addition to other programs provided Emporia to get a degree in Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa •
Third: the use of telecommunications in teaching.
Sought teachers in the United States for the optimal use of radio of the twenties and thirties and TV but it was not widespread use until the sixties of this century •
The groups used professional such as lawyers, pharmacists, teachers, engineers and workers health sciences, telecommunications whether to get an academic degree or in continuing education and conferences • While the use of radio and still this use force in distance education to a limited extent, while TV and telephone received special focus of most teachers, as illustrated below:
Was the first use of video conferences in continuing education for professionals libraries and information brokered American Library Association brokered the use of satellites (11), in this context, at a conference on copyright in 1978, followed by conferences such for Mark 1 and Mark 2, which Torthma Library Association America in collaboration with the Congregation for the satellites for the public service •
And use the phone in teleconferencing in Oklahoma in 1983 to provide continuing education experience relating to requests for medical references (12) •
Also produced Society research libraries and university (ACRL) conferences relied on phone use and relate to technology CDs (CD - ROM r s) in the years 1988.1989 respectively as reported by Barron's for talks personal with producers of these conferences (14) •
The research was funded those conferences brokered private companies produced products of the American Society for school librarians AASL and the Federation of educational communications and technology in collaboration with the School of Library and Information Science at the University of South Carolina •
Efforts and activities of the forms of distance education in the United States
Describes Barron (15) efforts and activities that have been made in education mediated by means of remote communication received in intellectual production as follows: -
1 describe separate articles brokered Winder Wender and Burke Berk use remote communications technology in the continuing education efforts of workers in the health services •
2 cited Winder Wender 4 lectures were dropped mediated telecommunications for 110 hospitals in Oklahoma in 1981 •
3 describes Burke Berk experience provided by the Library Association American Medical decision continuing education in Management and Budget in 1982 through the telephone network educational University of Wisconsin • The description of each of the positive side and a negative for the efforts made in this area with the conclusion says that the mediator (telecommunications ) "fit and proper and effective and should be used again in this profession" •
4 describes George Hartg Hartje used to lecture on the phone in the separation of library science at the University of Missouri Columbia • Despite the lack of statistical analyzes in the article, but the author cites the conclusion "that the experiment was successful and useful for students" •
5 The use of television in education libraries after he was vague as referring Irving Lieberman (1973) Liberman as an individual of the group that alerted to the need for efforts research in the education library and information science • In the list on the uses of television for educational purposes, said Lieberman: The decisions Chambers (television) open to accredited college students became a reality • The report describes in the same lectures, which depend on the phone using communications technology to teach, but he did not provide any examples of such in the education library and information science •
6 p.m. actual implementation of the use of television in education library and information science at the School of Library and Information Science at the University of Indiana (Bloomington) in the early seventy and focused on one of the pieces few research completed in this context for distance education • describes the brooch Shuman Shuman use circuits (TV ) closed (16) for a single decision has been submitted with the exception that some students have described them as useless experience •
7 and longer school Library and Information Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Midson, pioneered the use of teleconferencing through communications workers in the profession • The reported Darlene and Engand Weingand in her report on a comparison between the students who are receiving education in the classroom traditional and others who use hearing system remote Throughout semester in the subject for the administration of the Public Library • and stamped and Engand study that comparison between the two groups were compatible and there is no presumption supports the idea that traditional classroom is the optimal model to receive an education, though listening distance can be equal if not better than education in the traditional classroom, and adds that the absence of interaction and face-to-face and remote replaced by listening is not harmful to the learning process •
8 continue the study to clarify the advantages of a system of more systems to listen remotely advanced in the world, a network educational conferences remote Educational Tele conferecing Network (ETM), and linking this network of more than 170 sites state (Wisconsin) with a few exceptions • The decisions offer brokered this newly developed network as a basis to teach library and information constantly •
9 describes Pam Barron (17) Barron development field tests in her article entitled "jumping on the moon" about children's literature Jump Over The Moon Sharing Literature With young Children (ETM) that decision for after awarded was developed in 1982 and is still going on as the basis for decisions systems available to receive at the state level and at the national level alike • Baron studied concludes from this decision by saying, "It should not be used this decision to replace more traditional methods only, but a vital and effective alternative also •
10 describes the generation Mae May problems related to copyright and the general development and calendars that have been the decision of the videos used in the media for children •
11 supplied Marilyn Meng Ming and Gary MacDonald Macdonald report on the renewed effort in the training project library small rural in Alberta, Canada • Share project design, implementation and evaluation full program leading to certification and reliable basis on printed materials along with the use of videos • The results of the Calendar very positive for student assessment and program staff •
12 review of data contained in a report by Ellis ALISE Statistical about education library and information science in the period between 1980 and 1992 shows the following uses for teaching mediated communication: -
(A) represent South Carolina (SC) only program to teach library and information science, which uses teaching through remoting •
(B) use of South Carolina, and Emporia, Arizona cable TV company to provide remote decisions •
(C) use of South Florida and the mandate of San Jose, and South Carolina, Indiana, Arizona and Oklahoma (Video) The communication from one side to the side listening dial remote, also used Wisconsin (Malawaki) and Kentucky also this system •
(D) use the Emporia, and Wisconsin (Midson) and universities of Louisiana, Alabama and North Carolina listening systems and video communication from both sides •
(E) may be more distance education programs renewal and best funded in the United States is a project Broadcasting Corporation Annenberg Annenberg Assembly, was suspended financial donation estimated at $ 150 million, in order to produce decisions using (VCR), computers, tapes and CDs and video , in order to make higher education a reality for remote learner • The director of the project has expanded Mara Mayor Mayor in a major expansion program •
(F) In addition to programs based in American universities, there are attempts multiple stems from the commercial private sector for the supply of distance learning, such as, for example chapters Broadcast: (The • me • CNN) intercontinental NBC r s Continental classroom, which began six years and chapters Radio ( C • B • S) to the sun bright: CBS r s Sunrise Semester which remained active for seventeen years ago •
(G) used Pittsburgh fiber optic Oplical Fibers to deliver courses to remote places, far from the campus of the university, also used Pittsburgh combination of systems to listen and fax • used South Carolina services company cables TV to provide decisions on the national level and also used state Emporia and South Connecticut in academic programs •
Distance education activities in some countries of the world.
In addition to the activities and efforts of distance education in the United States there are some activities in developing countries, and in Russia, Australia and Western Europe • provides Nellore (18) 1985 Naylor summary of the participants in the activities of distance education throughout the world • The following models made by Naylor for this Activities: -
1 uses distance education in developing countries provide the only way a traditional education is also available in traditional educational institutions in the Western world •
2 available distance education in Russia in the workplace and focus its efforts on increasing productivity •
3 is the British Open University (BOU) of more models of distance education success (19) and became acceptable system as a pilot program in all over the world •
The Open University started as an idea of the League of the air as it is designed to provide courses in higher education mediated mass communication for technicians and workers in technological fields • In the early seventy British Open University began supplying system allows them to adults penile first academic degree •
4 collected the Open University UK among the best properties that characterize the system of study by correspondence as well as the use of films and tapes educational prepared carefully brokered the BBC (BBC) • As a result, the Open University UK's greatest educational facility successful around the world and may be the greatest and most important Renewal event in the history of education in the words of Nellore •
Source: http://kenanaonline.com/users/ahmedkordy/posts/205384